Educare Research inc
California,  USA


ERi::The Blogging Post::

Educational Courses by Cellphone

by Steven R. Van Hook, PhD

Cell PhonesThere are more than 10-billion mobile phones globally most of those in developing countries short on bandwidth, being used in agriculture, health, financial services, government involvement, entrepreneurship, employment (World Bank), and of course, education.

Cellphones are becoming cheaper; network bandwidth is doubling every 18 months and expanding into rural areas.

Internet-enabled tablets are the fastest-ramping device around the world, and solar-powered tablets are especially promising in areas where electricity is iffy. In South Africa, there are more cellphones than flush toilets.

Mobile phones have proven to be a key entry point for Internet adoption. The World Bank concludes that networking and incubation is essential to ensure the potential of this technology is tapped.

In Africa and the Middle East, Orange Telecom waives data fees for 70-million cellphone users to access Wikipedia.

Audio streaming is especially suited for cellphone delivery of educational clips, only using a fraction of the bandwidth of video (video takes 10 to 20 times the bandwidth of audio).

Here’s a free course in Customer Service that works specially formatted for cellphones, including text, read-along audio, video, resources:

Educare Radio also streams educational audio. Please contact us to stream your own suitable materials on our radio station.

~ Steve

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