Educare Research inc
California,  USA


ERi::The Blogging Post::

Transcultural Teaching for Multicultural Rooms

by Steven R. Van Hook, PhD

Steven R. Van HookIt can be a challenge for a teacher of international students to get them to interact beyond their seating groups, as they tend to cluster by nationality. It can also be a challenge for an instructor to effectively teach, with such a diversity of nationalities and learning styles in a common classroom.   

Research, such as this article in UNESCO's Prospects, shows that certain themes and images in course materials can encourage interaction beyond national/cultural groupings and create a positive resonance in the room.

Likewise, other themes and images can foster dissonance in a class, such as sex, religion, nationalism and humor. While it could be useful at times to rely on discordant themes to encourage classroom interaction, instructors may find it a hazardous environment to maintain.

The video clip below briefly summarizes transculturally resonant themes such as babies, animals, relationships, sports, life cycles, and water might be applied to subject matter in international and multicultural settings for more effective teaching and learning.

Transcultural Themes and Images

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